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Martin Cogburn


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    Dashboard Overview

    What is the Dashboard

    Applies to: ONTRAPORT Plus and above.

    Use the Dashboard to create a personalized heads-up display of all measurable stats in your ONTRAPORT account. This can be how many products you’ve sold within the span of a month, how many contacts have clicked a link in your latest email over the last week or a great number of other options. By consolidating all metrics of your ONTRAPORT account into one easy-to-use display panel, the Dashboard gives you a top-down view of what’s happening LIVE in your business at any given time.

    You can add new custom metrics and change the reporting period for all your metrics at once or for each metric individually. Affix a new metric to your Dashboard by creating it and setting the reporting period. The drag and drop interface makes Dashboard customization flexible. Simply arrange and configure your metrics in a way that makes sense to you. That way each time you access the ONTRAPORT Dashboard you’ll know just what to expect.

    Dashboard metrics calculate continuously for 3 days after it is visited. After the third day, it will change to a 24-hour calculation period. If you visit the Dashboard after longer than a 3 day period, the statistics will show as "Last updated: 1 day ago" and recalculate all metrics within about an hour.

    How to Create a Metric

      1. Click on Dashboard in your main Navigation menu.

      2. Click + New Metric

      3. Name your metric
        1. The name of your metric acts as its identifier on the metric grid. Name it based on what it measures - be specific.
        2. Select what kind of metric you want
        3. Select a trigger
        4. Further tweak your metric based on the kind of metric you selected
        5. Select a condition (optional)
        6. Add a condition to further refine the criteria of your metric even more. You can add additional conditions joined by AND (both conditions must be true) or by OR (either condition may be true) by clicking the + Add Condition button.
        7. Select a default timeframe. Use Custom Date Range to set your own date range (like last quarter).
        8. Click Update Metric

    Metrics Details

    Number of Contacts Who Did Something

    Counts each contact who performed an action, even if that action is recurring.

    For example:

        • How many Contacts filled out my form [Lead Magnet]?
        • How many Contacts had [Birthday] updated?
        • How many Contacts opened [Product Launch] email?
        • Contact is added to Database
        • Contact visits [URL]
        • Fills out [Form]
        • Clicks [Tracked Link]
        • [Field] is updated
        • Call is logged
        • Had [Message] sent to them
        • Had [Task] sent about them
        • Opens [Email]
        • Clicks an [Email] [Link]

    Number of Times Something Happened

    Counts each time a particular action occurred.

    For example:

    • How many times was [Membership Product] purchased?
    • How many times did Contacts visit []?
    • How many times did Contacts click []?
    • Contact visits [URL]
    • Fills out [Form]
    • Clicks [Tracked Link]
    • [Field] is updated
    • Call is logged
    • Had [Message] sent to them
    • Had [Task] sent about them
    • Opens [Email]
    • Clicks an [Email] [Link]

    Average Times Something Happened Per Contact

    Number of times an action was performed on or by a contact over the number of contacts who performed the action or had the action performed on them.

    For example:

    • Average number of times Contact opens [Product Launch] email
    • Average number of times Contact has [Appointment?] completed with [Yes] outcome
    • Average number of times Contact has had [Appointment Reschedule message] sent to them
    • Contact visits [URL]
    • Fills out [Form]
    • Clicks [Tracked Link]
    • Call is logged
    • Had [Message] sent to them
    • Had [Task] sent about them
    • Opens [Email]
    • Clicks an [Email] [Link]

    Conversion Rate

    Calculates the conversion rate between two events, only counting the number of contacts who did both events.

    You can specify the conversion reporting parameters: only reported once or each time the conversion event occurs.

    For example:

    1. At what rate did Contacts Purchase [Membership Product] after filling out [Opt-In Form]?
    2. At what rate did Contacts fill out [Opt-In Form] after visiting []?
    3. At what rate did Contacts have [Appointment? Task] completed with [Made Appointment Task Outcome] after opening [Appointment reminder email]?
    • Contact is added to Database
    • Contact visits [URL]
    • Fills out [Form]
    • Clicks [Tracked Link]
    • [Field] is updated
    • Call is logged
    • Had [Message] sent to them
    • Had [Task] sent about them
    • Opens [Email]
    • Clicks an [Email] [Link]

    Average Time Between Two Things Happening

    Measures the time between two events divided by by the number of contacts who do both events.

    You can specify the reporting parameters of the event.

    For example:

    1. What is the average time between Contact fills out [Opt-In Form] and Contact Purchases [Membership Product]?
    2. What is the average time between Contact is added to Database and Contact purchases [Any Product]?
    3. What is the average time between Contact is added to [Promo drip campaign Sequence] and when Contact is added to [Tag: Customer]?
    • Contact is added to Database
    • When Contact is added to [Tag]
    • Contact visits [URL]
    • Fills out [Form]
    • Clicks [Tracked Link]
    • [Field] is updated
    • Call is logged
    • Had [Message] sent to them
    • Had [Task] sent about them
    • Opens [Email]
    • Clicks an [Email] [Link]

    Total Value Across Contacts

    Total value of a numeric property across all contacts you specify.

    For example:

    1. What is the total sales of [Membership Product]?
    2. What is the total sales of [Any Product]?
    3. What is the total amount of transactions with [Status: Refund]?
    • Total $ sales of [Product]
    • Total $ of transactions with [Status]

    Average Value of a Numeric Field Across Contacts

    Total value of a numeric Field across all Contacts in group over the number of Contacts in the group.

    For example:

    1. Of Contacts in the Group "Customers", what is the average total $ sales of [Membership Product]?
    2. Of Contacts in the Group "Customers in CA", what is the average total $ sales of [Any Product]?
    3. Of Contacts in the Group "All Contacts", what is the average total $ sales of [Any Product]?
    • Total $ sales of [Product]
    • Total $ of transactions with [Status]


    Just like Rule Conditions, metrics can be further refined by specifying additional criteria that must be met, in order for the data to be included in the metric.

    • [Field] is this [Value]
    • If Contact is subscribed to [Tag]
    • If Contact is subscribed to [Sequence]
    • Has visited a [Landing Page] during a [Time period]
    • Has opened an [Email]
    • Has clicked an [Email link]
    • Has an open order for [Product]
    • Has ever purchased a [Product]
    • Has ever refunded a [Product]
    • Last transaction status is [Status]
    • Has ever filled out [Smart Form]
    • Has ever clicked [Tracked Link]
    • Had [Message] sent to them
    • Had [Task] sent about them
    • Contact still exists

    Timeframe Details

    Each of the above metrics can be displayed over a certain timeframe for pinpoint reporting. Timeframes are set to the timezone of the ONTRAPORT account, not the viewer of the metrics.

    In the following illustration, consider that today is Thursday, May 8, 2014.

    The available timeframes are:





    All day yesterday


    Wednesday, May 7, 2018


    All day today


    Thursday, May 8, 2018

    Last 7 days

    The rolling 7-day period ending yesterday

    Last Thursday - Wednesday

    May 2, 2018 - May 8, 2018

    This week

    This week's Sunday through today

    Sunday - Thursday

    May 4, 2018 - May 8, 2018

    Last week

    All days last week

    Last Sunday - last Saturday

    April 27, 2018 - May 3, 2018

    Last week to date

    Last week's Sunday through the day of the week that is today

    Last Sunday - last Thursday

    April 27, 2018 - May 1, 2018

    This month

    All days between the first day of this month and today

    May 1, 2018 - May 8, 2018

    Last month

    All days between the first and last days of last month

    April 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018

    Last month to date

    All days between the first day of last month and today's date last month

    April 1, 2018 - April 8, 2018

    Last 30 days

    The rolling 30-day period ending yesterday

    April 7, 2018 - May 7, 2018

    Last year

    All days between Jan 1 and Dec 31 last year

    Jan 1, 2018 - Dec 31, 2018

    Last year to date

    All days between Jan 1 last year and today's date last year

    Jan 1, 2018 - May 8, 2018

    Year to Date

    Custom Date Range

    All days between Jan 1 this year and today

    Choose any "From" and "To date

    Jan 1, 2018 - May 8, 2018

    Jan 1, 2018 - Mar 31, 2018

    Displaying Contacts

    You can display the contacts that make up the metric results by clicking the number. ONTRAPORT presents the contacts in the familiar Contact Group format. You can perform all actions on this Contact Group in the same manner you would any Group you created in the Contacts Collection.

    Other Important Facts

    • When you create a metric, you select the default timeframe associated with that metric. You can easily change the timeframe that's displayed by clicking on the arrows on either side of the timeframe on the metric as it's displayed on the Dashboard. This works for all the built in default time frames. To set a Custom Date Range you must edit the metric. All metrics will revert to the saved timeframes after you navigate away from the Dashboard.
    • Dashboard metrics calculate continuously for 3 days after it is visited. After the third day, it will change to a 24-hour calculation period. If you visit the Dashboard after longer than a 3 day period, the statistics will show as "Last updated: 1 day ago" and recalculate all metrics within about an hour.

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