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Sales Reports by Date Range

Kevin Thom

I couldn't find an answer to this anywhere. I need to create sales reports that look exactly like the All Time Sales Report, but are for specified date ranges, like "Last Month." However, there are no options for this like there are on other reports. Putting the "Invoice Date" field in the Groups area would help me make these reports myself, but it is not there.

Monthly Sales is a pretty useful report for just about anyone, whereas All-time Sales is useful to almost no one. Is it ever going to be possible to do a simple Monthly Sales Report by Product in Ontraport? Has anyone found a way to do Monthly Sales by Product without resorting to manually counting the sales in the Transaction Log?

Official comment


Dashboard Metrics can provide something close to what you are looking for, but they are not (yet) able to be exported. You can create a metric for each product and view them on the Dashboard.

The time frames available include Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, This Week, Last Week, Last Week to Date, This Month, Last Month, Last Month to Date, Last 30 Days, Last Year, Last Year to Date, Year to Date or Any Date Range. You can cycle through the date ranges by clicking on the metric, or create multiple metrics for a range of dates:

This screen capture shows cycling through the date ranges on a single metric:

To create the metric you select "Total value of something across contacts" and choose the default time frame. Then, add a "Trigger" for the product purchased as shown here:

For other feature requests for better reports in the Sales Reports area; please search our feature request forum for "Sales Reports" and vote on them.

Frank Hagan
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Thanks for your reply Frank. I am just feeling very frustrated because this very basic feature is something I never would have thought to ask about when I had my initial consultation meeting with an Ontraport rep. I saw that there were sales reports and would never have imagined you could not adjust the date range on a Sales by Product report. By excluding a date filter, you've turned a report that is essential to a business into something that is 100% useless. 

Yes, I know I can create dashboard metrics to show sales of particular items, but this has to be done for every new product. The Dashboard is hard to reorganize and gets cluttered very fast. I can not export these "sales reports" for my accountant, so at the moment, I will have to spend a lot of time at the end of the month manually generating sales reports from transaction logs. This is a process that is dangerously prone to error.

The feature requests you suggested do not really apply to this issue. Here's one that kind of does, but I think it applies to whatever version of Ontraport existed 2 years ago:

I have created a new feature request, but I don't have much faith it will get any attention, as it looks like most feature requests remain ignored for years.

Kevin Thom 0 votes
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Thanks, Kevin.

We periodically move feature requests that are completed out of that forum, so you are seeing the ones that have not yet been done (except for the few that have been completed in the last two months or so). The feature requests are reviewed each week and do affect what we plan for inclusion in the future. We have completed 190 feature requests in just under two years. 

Some clients are using other reporting tools; I'm not that familiar with them, but one is Wicked Reports. I know that is not providing you with the functionality in the app you are looking for, but I thought I would mention it. 

Frank Hagan 0 votes
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I also am very frustrated with the lack of robust sales reports. We NEED sales reports filtered by sales amounts and total sales $ based on weekly, monthly, yearly. This is such a ver basic feature and I would assume putting a date range would not be that big of a deal. I can write this SQL query code in a few mins. Please please please can we have better sales reports based on date range. We have it in transaction logs and product sales report.



Seth Buffum 0 votes
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Any update on this feature request from 6 years ago? I agree with Kevin. This is a basic sales report function. Creating a dashboard item for every product is not acceptable. Wicked Reports does not provide this (WR is for tracking). I simply need to know how many products were sold yesterday (or in a given time period).

Cecilia & Jason Hilkey 0 votes
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Kevin, if you haven't already given up, you could export the product sales log by the time frame you want, import it to a spreadsheet and run functions on it to get the info you want. But UGH!

Cecilia & Jason Hilkey 0 votes
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Cecilia and Jason, thanks for the reply! I think this forum is where Ontraport sends customer feature requests to die, so I'm not surprised there still is no option to filter the Sales by Product report. However, I arrived at the same solution you did... I create a date filter for Product Sales Log and export the entries. Then I sort and subtotal the results in Excel. It shouldn't be necessary but there it is. 

Kevin Thom 1 vote
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