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Membership merge problem

Tricia Gomez

Hi all,

Apparently, when you merge 2 contact records, it breaks the membership accessibility...even if the membership stays in the same email. When this happens, the member doesn't get the password reset emails and if I try to do it manually from their contact record (contact log), it doesn't take. So what we have to do is delete the membership and reactivate it. This is OK if it's only a few, but it can be a big problem for those of us who merge contact records often. Please help to resolve this so memberships maintain accessibility when accounts with 2 different emails are merged into a single account.

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This is the feature request forum, but you are reporting a bug. Please contact support with account details and examples so we can get this resolved for you.

Landon Ray 0 votes
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@LandonRay - I did and they told me to put it here too. They will bring it up in the next meeting.

Tricia Gomez 0 votes
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