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Automatically Adding Custom Objects

Shayne Hillier

is there a way to automate the creation of a custom object? For instance, when the status a of contact changes, I'd like to be able to create a new object.



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On a related note, we did add the ability to create new custom object records via the Import process in each object. For example, let's say you want to create new or associate existing Companies records with Contacts while you're importing the new Contacts. 

  1. Prepare a CSV for the new contacts with the Company Name field, and populate it.
  2. Upload the CSV in Contacts > Settings > Upload Contacts
  3. Choose "Merge and Underwrite" on step 3 of the import wizard
  4. In step 4, note that the Custom Objects related to Contacts are now listed in the drop down for matching fields.
  5. Match up the Company Name with the Custom Object "Name" field. 

  6. Choose "Merge into existing records ..." on the dialog that pops up and select the Companies "Name" field

  7. Finish the import wizard and see the new and existing Contacts related to their Companies.
  8. If the Company did not exist in the related Companies object it will be added. You can have more Companies field in the CSV, of course, and those fields will "Merge and Underwrite" using the same logic as you checked off in step 3. 

See our blog post on Importing Relationships for more information. 

Frank Hagan
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What are you trying to do? You would have a ton of custom objects if you create one on a change. 

Are you trying to set settings on a custom object that is related to the customer? 

Options EDU 0 votes
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Hey Jeff,

I'm trying to create a "deals" object whenever a "contact" achieves a certain status.  Essentially creating a new project for a contact.  

After doing a little research, this doesn't seem possible unless done through the api. 

Shayne Hillier 0 votes
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If you just have 1 deal per person. You could setup a custom object called deals, with a 1 to 1 relationship to the customer. Whenever you get a new customer set that custom object to the customer.


Once you do that in any campaign you can set the fields normally. 


Edit: Then again if it is a 1 to 1. You could just create fields on the customer itself. So I am guessing you are doing more than 1 deal. 

Good luck!

Options EDU 0 votes
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right.. that's exactly how i have it setup.  I have the custom object "deals" with a one to one relationship. My issue is automatically creating a new deal when a customer's status is changed.

Shayne Hillier 0 votes
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To clarify, this means automatically adding a custom object RECORD, not a new custom object definition.

This is especially important for Deals. e.g. Sales Stage (custom field) status changes to Prospect = create Deal.

This has been asked several times in the FB User community just this month. Really want to avoid an external custom API build just for this one feature.

David Kellam 1 vote
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N.B. The way to do this is an outbound webhook that comes back in to the OntraPort API. I put Zapier in between for logging and diagnostics. If you're not sure how to do this yourself, I recommend engaging someone (not me :P) to do it for you. It's quick, but can break easily if you're not sure what you're doing.

The trick for the API inbound is to make sure you're adding the two header values needed to authenticate, then using the JSON structure. If you're familiar with Zapier and understand APIs and can make your way around you can figure it out from there.

David Kellam 0 votes
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