Contacts API (deprecated)
About the Contacts API
Applies to: ONTRAPORT Plus and above.
Note: We have a new and improved API for ONTRAPORT users. You can find the documentation HERE. The old API code found here previously is now deprecated.
For the examples below, we've added the equivalent calls using the new API (where available). While we don't have any plans to disable the old API, we do suggest switching over to this faster, more powerful version. Please note that with the new API, authentication is handled via the request headers (as opposed to being passed in the POST data). Please refer to the documentation page for more information.
Contacts API
All of our example code can be found on GitHub
Table of Contents
- Add - Add a contact
- Update - Update a contact
- Fetch - Pull contact record for a specific contact
- Delete - Delete a contact
- Key - View a template of a contact record
- Add Section - Add a new field section
- Edit Section - Edit an existing field section
- Remove Section - Remove a field section
- Remove Field - Remove a single field
- Add Dropdown - Add a dropdown field
- Remove Dropdown - Remove a dropdown field
- Search - Search for contacts matching a given criteria
- Pull Tag - Pull a list of tags with corresponding IDs
- Fetch Tag - Pull a list of tags
- Fetch Sequences - Pulls a list of sequences with corresponding IDs
- Add Notes - Add notes to a contact(s)
- Fetch Notes - Return notes for a contact(s)
- Add Tag - Add a tag(s) to a contact(s)
- Remove Tag - Remove a tag(s) from a contact(s)
The contacts API allows for adding, deleting and modifying contacts within the ONTRAPORT account. In order to use the Contacts API, you must submit a standard HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) POST request to the ONTRAPORT contacts API server.
Use of the Contacts API requires an API App ID and API Key. These can be generated within your ONTRAPORT account by going to Account > API Instructions and Key Manager.
Also, be sure to select the appropriate permissions for the key you are about to generate (for example, if a key does not have "add" permissions selected, it will not be able to be used to add type requests.
Note that if you have not done so already, you will need to submit a request for access to the API. Once access is granted, you can generate as many API App ID/API Key combinations as you want. For more information on how to generate a key or how to request access, please contact customer support.
Requests Overview
Currently we use REST Requests to handle requests to the web server. Typically XML (or JSON for add, update and search requests) data is posted via POST to the feed URL and a 'success', 'failure' or 'return data' will be returned depending on the type of call. REST supports a number of web server environments for development, and it's a pretty easy system to learn. Learn all about REST.
A typical request consists of two parts; a URL and post data.
The post URL is comprised of the API address (in this case, along with the following paramenters.
Parameter | Data | Description |
Appid | string (Required) | You must first generate an App ID to use the API. Instructions to generate a key are in the "Authentication" section (above). |
Key | string (Required) | This is a unique key that you can generate for use in your App ID. |
reqType | string (Required) | Request type. See "Request Types" (below) for information detailing each request type. |
data | string (Required in all but key requests) | XML or JSON data (type and contents varies based on request type) |
f_add | boolean | When set, forces a new contact to be added (regardless if a contact with a matching email address is found). Note: "Add" requests initialize this to true, "update" requests initialize it to false |
return_id | numeric |
1 - full contact record(s) is/are returned in addition to the standard Success/Failure message 2 - returns the contact ID and date last modified for the contact(s) in addition to standard Success/Failure message |
count | boolean | For search types, returns the number of contacts who matched the search criteria. |
getIds | boolean | For search types, returns the contact IDs of contacts who matched the search criteria. Note that this is overridden if "count" is set. If both getIds and count are set, only the number of matching contacts will be returned. |
A basic request should resemble the following:
Request URL:
POST data:
appid=abc12345&key=xyz54321&reqType=add&return_id=1&data=[data string]
In addition to the URL, most requests (all but the "key" request) require some data be passed. This can be as little as a contact ID (in the case of a "delete" request) or as much as all of the fields with their respective values (in an "add" or "update" request).
The basic structure is as follows:
<contact> //Separate field sections are enclosed in "Group_Tag" elements <Group_Tag name="Contact Information"> //Separate fields are enclosed in "field" elements <field name="First Name">Tim</field> <field name="Last Name">Lincecum</field> <field name="Email"></field> </Group_Tag> <Group_Tag name="Sequences and Tags"> <field name="Contact Tags">Test</field> <field name="Sequences">*/*3*/*8*/*</field> </Group_Tag> </contact>
Date Format
All dates passed to the ONTRAPORT API must be in Unix Time format (also known as seconds since epoch). To get the Unix Time version of a standard date/time, you can use a converter (such as EpochConverter). Most programming languages should have built in methods for date conversion as well.
Adding/Removing Sequences and Tags
Tags: Tags be added by either using the tag name or the tag ID, separated by */*. The syntax for each:
<field name="Contact Tags">Tag1*/*Tag2*/*Tag3</field>
<field name="Contact Tags" type="numeric">1*/*2*/*3<field>
Sequences: Sequences can only be added by sequence ID. Unlike adding tags by ID, the numeric type is not required.
<field name="Sequences">1*/*2*/*3<field>
Removing: Tags and sequences can be removed from a contact during an update request by setting the "action" attribute to "remove".
<field name="Contact Tags" action="remove">Tag1*/*Tag2*/*Tag3</field>
When adding tags or sequences numerically, you may also separate by semicolon.
<field name="Sequences" type="numeric">1;2</field>
Changing Bulk Status (Unsubscribing a Contact from Emails)
The API has the ability to set bulk email status to "No" on a contact (unsubscribing them from broadcast mailings and sequences). This is useful for making your own unsubscribe links both in OfficeAutopilot or if you're mailing from another system in addition to OfficeAutopilot and want to keep your opt outs synced between both systems.
In order to set the bulk email status during an update request, you just need to add an extra "bulk_mail" attribute to the contact tag.
<contact="12345" bulk_mail="0">
The values for bulk_mail and their associated statuses are as follows:
0 - No/Opt-out
1 - Single Opt-In
2 - Double Opt-In
-1 - Hard Bounced
Note: The the bulk email status can only be set to "No" via the API. In order to set it to "Yes" a contact will need to resubscribe via an OfficeAutopilot form.
Unless otherwise noted, most requests return a simple Success or Failed message formatted as follows:
Maximum Requests per Minute
Up to 180 requests per minute are allowed per ONTRAPORT account
Request Types
Request: add
Action: Adds a contact (along with any included field values) to the database.
Return: Success/Failure Message (optionally returns full contact record or just contact ID and date last modified)
Required Data: Contact object in XML or JSON format
Optional Data: Contact object
<contact> <Group_Tag name="Contact Information"> <field name="First Name">Tim</field> <field name="Last Name">Lincecum</field> <field name="Email"></field> </Group_Tag> <Group_Tag name="Sequences and Tags"> <field name="Contact Tags">Test</field> <field name="Sequences">*/*3*/*8*/*</field> </Group_Tag> </contact>
[ { "fields": [ { "name": "First Name", "value": "Tim" }, { "name": "Last Name", "value": "Lincecum" }, { "name": "Email", "value": "" }, { "name": "Contact Tags", "value": "Test" }, { "name": "Sequences", "value": "*/*10*/*12*/*14*/*" } ] } ]
URL: Method: POST Data: { "objectID":0, "firstname":"tim", "lastname":"lincecum", "email":"", "contact_cat":"*/*55*/*", "updateSequence":"*/*97*/*" } Doc:!/objects/createObject
Request: update
Return: Success/Failure Message (optionally returns full contact record or just contact ID and date last modified)
Required Data: Contact tags with Contact ID
Optional Data: Contact object in XML or JSON format
<contact id="12345"> <Group_Tag name="Contact Information"> <field name="Company">ONTRAPORT, Inc.</field> <field name="Home Phone">5555555</field> </Group_Tag> </contact> //Multiple contacts can be updated in a single call by wrapping the data in separate contact tags <contact id="98765"> <Group_Tag name="Contact Information"> <field name="E-Mail"></field> </Group_Tag> </contact>
[ { "id": 12345, "fields": [ { "name": "Company", "value": "ONTRAPORT, Inc." }, { "name": "Home Phone", "value": "5555555" } ] }, { "id": 98765, "fields": [ { "name": "E-Mail", "value": "" } ] } ]
URL: Method: PUT Data: { "objectID":0, "id":"12345", "company":"ONTRAPORT, Inc.", "home_phone":"5555555" } Doc:!/objects/updateObjects
Request: fetch
Return: Contact record(s) of requested contact(s)
Required Data: Contact ID(s) wrapped in contact_id tags
Note: The "contact" element contains additional information about the contact.
<contact id='12345' date='1339599077' dlm='1373305141' score='0.00' purl='Firstname' bulk_mail='1'>
The included attributes are contact id, date added, date last modified, score, purl subdomain, and bulk email status. The values for bulk email status are as follows:
-1 - Hard Bounce
0 - No
1 - Yes (Single Opt-in)
2 - Double Opt-in
<contact_id>260414</contact_id> <contact_id>260413</contact_id>
URL: Method: GET Doc:!/objects/getObject
Request: delete
Return: Success/Failure Message
Required Data: Contact ID(s)
//Multiple contacts can be deleted by sending separate contact IDs <contact_id>260414</contact_id> <contact_id>260413</contact_id>
Request: key
Return: Contact record template
Required Data: None
<result> <contact id="" bulk_mail=""> <Group_Tag name="Contact Information"> <field name="First Name" type="text"/> <field name="Last Name" type="text"/> <field name="E-Mail" type="text"/> <field name="Home Phone" type="phone"/> <field name="Title" type="text"/> <field name="Office Phone" type="text"/> <field name="Cell Phone" type="phone"/> <field name="Fax" type="text"/> <field name="Address" type="text"/> <field name="Company" type="text"/> <field name="Address 2" type="text"/> <field name="City" type="text"/> <field name="State" type="state"/> <field name="Zip Code" type="text"/> <field name="Website " type="text"/> <field name="Country" type="country"/> <field name="Birthday" type="fulldate"/> </Group_Tag> <Group_Tag name="Lead Information"> <field name="Contact Owner" type=""/> <field name="First Referrer" type=""/> <field name="Last Referrer" type=""/> <field name="Lead Information Test" type="text" editable="1"/> <field name="Lead Source" type="tdrop"> <option>Adwords</option> <option>Tradeshow</option> <option>Business Card</option> <option>Referral</option> <option>Newspaper Ad</option> </field> <field name="Campaign" type="tdrop"> <option>Free Trial</option> <option>20% Off</option> <option>Mother's Day</option> </field> <field name="Ad" type="tdrop"> <option>Ad Version 1</option> <option>Ad Version 2</option> </field> <field name="Media" type="tdrop"> <option>PPC</option> <option>Direct Mail</option> <option>Banner</option> <option>Newspaper</option> </field> </Group_Tag> <Group_Tag name="Sequences and Tags"> <field name="Sequences" type="sequence"/> <field name="Contact Tags" type="list"> <list id="1">Tag 1</list> <list id="2">Tag 2</list> <list id="3">Tag 3</list> </field> </Group_Tag> <Group_Tag name="Affiliate Data" editable="1"> <field name="Affiliate Program" type="aff_program"/> <field name="Number of Sales" type="numeric"/> <field name="$ Sales" type="price"/> <field name="Paypal Address" type="text"/> </Group_Tag> <Group_Tag name="Transaction Info" editable="1"> <field name="Last Invoice #" type="numeric"/> <field name="Last Total Invoice Amount" type="price"/> <field name="Last Charge Amount" type="price"/> <field name="Transaction test field" type="text" editable="1"/> <field name="Total $ Unpaid Transactions" type="price"/> </Group_Tag> <Group_Tag name="Credit Card" editable="1"> <field name="Card Type" type="tdrop"/> <field name="Card Expiration Month" type="tdrop"/> <field name="Card Expiration Year" type="numeric"/> <field name="Card Number (Last 4)" type="numeric"/> <field name="Charge Result" type="tdrop"/> <field name="Card Expiration Date" type="fulldate"/> </Group_Tag> </contact> </result>
URL: Method: GET Doc:!/objects/getMeta
Add Section
Request: add_section
Action: Adds a section to all contact records
Return: Success/Failure Message
Required Data: Section data
Field Types: When creating fields, you'll need to set field type in the request. Here is a list of field types in OAP along with the associated type that needs to be set in the request
Text - text
Phone number - phone
Address - text
State - state
Country - country
Date - fulldate
List selection - list
Long text - longtext
Check box - check
Dropdown - tdrop
Number - numeric
Price - price
Funnel - funnel
<data> <Group_Tag name="My Section"> <field name="MyTest1" type="numeric"/> <field name="MyTest2" type="text"/> <field name="MyTest3" type="country"/> </Group_Tag> </data>
Edit Section
Request: edit_section
Action: Modifies an existing field section
Return: Success/Failure Message
Required Data: Section data
Field Types: When creating fields, you'll need to set field type in the request. Above is a list of field types in OAP along with the associated type that needs to be set in the request
//data must be wrapped with <data> tags //Field types need to be set on creation <data> <Group_Tag name="My Section"> <field name="NewField1" type="longtext"/> </Group_Tag> </data>
Remove Section
Request: remove_section
Action: Deletes an existing field section
Return: Success/Failure Message
Required Data: Section data
<data> <Group_Tag name="My Section"/> </data>
Remove Field
Request: remove_field
Action: Deletes an existing field
Return: Success/Failure Message
Required Data: Field data
<data> <field name="Field 1"/> </data>
Add Dropdown
Request: add_dropdown
Action: Adds options to an existing dropdown field
Return: Success/Failure Message
Required Data: dropdown field data
//data must be wrapped with <data> tags //Wrap options with dropdown field name <data> <field name="Dropdown Test"> <option>Option 1</option> <option>Option 2</option> </field> </data>
Remove Dropdown
Request: remove_dropdown
Action: Removes options from an existing dropdown field
Return: Success/Failure Message
Required Data: dropdown field data
//data must be wrapped with <data> tags //Wrap options with dropdown field name <data> <field name="Dropdown Test"> <option>Option 1</option> <option>Option 2</option> </field> </data>
Request: search
Return: Contact IDs of matching entries (if any), 0 if no results are found (optionally returns number of matching entries if "count" flag is set in post arguments)
Required Data: Search criteria
Search Operators:
To run a search, surround your data with a <search> tag and use the <equation> tag for each type of query you would like to search for. Every equation requires a field, an op (operation) and a value.
Here are the availabe operators:
'e' Equal
'n' Not equal
's' Starts with
'c' Like (Ex: Email <op>c</op> will return a search of all the emails that match
'k' Not Like
'l' Less than
'g' Greater Than
'm' Less Than or Equal to
'h' Greater Than or Equal to
The data for a standard search request would look something like this:
<field>First Name</field>
<value> John</value>
This returns all contacts whose first name field is equal to 'John'.
Note: Search requests are limited to 500 results. Pagination is available for results which return more than 500 records. The "page" attribute can be added to the opening search tag to indicate the desired page number.
<search page='2'> <equation> <field>E-mail</field> <op>c</op> <value></value> </equation> </search>
<search> <equation> <field>First Name</field> <op>e</op> <value>John</value> </equation> <equation> <field>E-Mail</field> <op>c</op> <value></value> </equation> </search>
[ { "equations": [ { "field": "First Name", "operation": "e", "value": "John" }, { "field": "Email", "operation": "c", "value": "" } ] } ]
URL: [ { "field": { "field": "email" }, "op": "LIKE", "value": { "value": "" } }, "AND", { "field": { "field": "firstname" }, "op": "=", "value": { "value": "John" } } ] Method: GET Doc:!/objects/getObjects
Pull Tag
Request: pull_tag
Return: List of tag names in the account with corresponding ids
<result> <tag id="1">Tag</tag> <tag id="2">Tag 2</tag> <tag id="3">Tag 3</tag> </result>
URL: Method: GET Doc:!/objects/getObjects
Fetch Tag
Request: fetch_tag
Return: List of tag names in the account
<result><tags>Tag 1*/*Tag 2*/*Tag 3*/*</tags></result>
URL: Method: GET Doc:!/objects/getObjects
Fetch Sequences
Return: List of sequence names in the account with corresponding ids
Optional Data: Full (boolean). When set to true, full will return the public name and description along with the squence name and ID.
NOTE: In this example, the "full" flag was set to true on the request, so public name and description have been added to the return. Leaving the flag set to false (or unset) will return only sequence name and ID.
<result> <sequence id="1">Sequence 1</sequence><public_name>Public Name 1</public_name><public_description>Description 1</public_description> <sequence id="2">Sequence 2</sequence><public_name>Public Name 2</public_name><public_description>Description 2</public_description> <sequence id="3">Sequence 3</sequence><public_name>Public Name 3</public_name><public_description>Description 3</public_description> </result>
URL: Method: GET Doc:!/objects/getObjects
Add Notes
Request: add_notes
Return: Success/Failure Message
Required Data:Contact id and note information
Optional Data: Time stamp (Unix time format)
<contact id="16972"> <note time='1341565200'>Note Contents</note> </contact>
URL: Method: POST Data: [ { "objectID":12, "contact_id":"16972", "time":"1341565200", "data":"Note Contents", } ] Doc:!/objects/createObject
Fetch Notes
Request: fetch_notes
Return: All notes for the contact(s) provided
Required Data: Contact ID(s)
Optional Data: None
<result><contact_id id='12345'><note date='2013-05-29T14:01:42-04:00' author=''>Test note</note></contact_id><contact_id id='12345'><note date='2013-12-09T12:04:58-05:00' author=''>This is another note</note></contact_id></result>
URL: Method: GET Doc:!/objects/getObjects
Add Tag
Request: add_tag
Action: Adds a tag to a contact
Return: list of added tags
Required Data: Contact ID(s), tag(s) to be added
<contact id='16972'> <tag>Tag1</tag> <tag>Tag2</tag> </contact>
URL: Method: PUT Data: [ { "objectID":0, "add_list":"666,665,663,664", "ids":"88536,88535" } ] Doc:!/objects/addTag
Remove Tag
Request: remove_tag
Action: Removes a tag(s) from a contact
Return: List of removed tags
Required Data: Contact ID, tag(s) to be removed
<contact id='16972'> <tag>Tag1</tag> <tag>Tag2</tag> </contact>
URL: Method: DELETE Data: [ { "objectID":0, "remove_list":"666,665,663,664", "ids":"88536,88535" } ] Doc:!/objects/removeTag
Q: When I ping I get an SSL error that looks like this:
SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
Did your certificate expire?
A: No. The SSL certificate problem tends to appear if your CA root certificate is out of date. A "CA" is shorthand for a "certificate authority," a third-party group responsible for handling secure connections around the web. They establish digital "certificates," which are a way of ensuring that there are valid connections between two machines. Without a certificate, the security risk between two machines is greater. When you receive this error, it likely means that your CA is out-of-date and needs to be updated. Generally, updating your OS will also update your CA and solve the problem.
Q: What are the "sections" in the contact record?
A: The Contact Record "sections" are divided between several tabs, but the tabs are not sections in and of themselves. The "sections" are shown in this image: