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Martin Cogburn


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    Creating Membership Levels

    About Membership Levels

    Applies to: ONTRAPORT Plus and above.

    Membership levels can be created for an integrated WordPress site in ONTRAPORT. These membership levels are discreet member levels and not dependent on other levels in a heirarchy (a contact can have a "Gold" membership without also having access to "Silver" membership content).

    In WordPress, the membership levels appear in the editor when editing posts, pages or custom post types. Selecting one or more of these membership levels results in the page only being visible to contacts with the checked membership levels.

    ONTRAPORT automation can be used to dynamically grant or remove membership levels from any of your contacts. You can automate having a failed payment lock out the member, or process orders for a new membership level and give the contact immediate access.

    How to Add Membership Levels

    1. Navigate to Administration > Advanced Features > Wordpress and toggle the feature on if it has not been enabled already.
    2. Go to Administration > Integrations > Wordpress Website

    3. Select the WordPress site by clicking the site name (not the website url). If the "Name" column doesn't appear, click the + button to add the Name column.

    4. Under Membership Levels, enter the name of your new membership level
    5. Click + Add

    6. Repeat steps 3 & 4 for each membership level you wish to create

    How to Set Membership Levels in WordPress

    1. Log into your integrated WordPress site
    2. Add a new post or page, or edit an existing page
    3. Set the membership level in the PilotPress Options section by checking off the Access Levels

      • Leaving all the check boxes blank allows anyone to have access
      • Checking a box restricts access to members with that membership level
      • Checking multiple boxes will grant access to any member with any one of those membership levels (they do not have to have all the access levels checked).
      • To have the page or post displayed in the navigation menu for non-members, select the Show in Navigation check box. This does not override your menu structure set by your theme or in Appearance > Menus. It only allows the page to be listed in navigation if it normally would be displayed.
      • The On Error page is used when a non-member tries to access the page. You can use this setting in combination with the Show in Navigation checkbox to tease your important content. Set the On Error page to a sales page for the content the person tried to access.
    4. Click the Publish button to save the settings

    Protecting Categories in WordPress

    Posts in WordPress can also have one or more Categories assigned to them. You can protect all posts in a Category automatically using PilotPress. This allows you to remotely create blog posts using other software or email and have the post protected without logging into the WordPress Administration section.

    • Set membership levels using Posts > Categories and edit the category desired.

      editing categories in WordPress
    • Under PilotPress Permissions set the access level for all posts in the Category. Then select the "on error" page non-members will be redirected to if they navigate to a post in this category. Finally, confirm that you want to turn on protection for all posts in the category by checking the Also protect all individual posts in this category? check box.

      Pilotpress category protections
    • Un-checking the Also protect all posts in this category? check box removes the protections for all posts, even ones previously protected by this setting.
    • To override the Category protections for an individual post within a protected Category open it for editing and select Set permissions manually in the Category override drop down box.

      Override category protections on a post
    • Category permissions are additive. If a post belongs to a Category with permissions for the Gold Membership level and in addition is also assigned a Category with permissions for the Silver Membership level then anyone with either Gold or Silver Membership will be able to see the post.

    Important Facts

    • PilotPress is not compatible with any other membership plugin
    • Do not use cache plugins with protected content. Cache plugins will serve your content from cache before PilotPress can redirect the visitor away from it
    • PilotPress uses redirection to protect your content; other plugins using redirection may interfere with PilotPress

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