Campaigns for Deals
About Campaigns for Deals
We recommend that you read our quick start article on Deals before reading this article. Campaigns built under Deals automate some field value updates, track prospects activity, segment deals by size (using color fields), calculate weighted deal values and keep you current on the expected close dates.
When you activate Deals, there’s a few Campaigns that are already running to help you track, visualize and automate some aspects of your pipeline. Below is a brief overview of the five included Deal Campaigns.
Note: When Deals is activated, the Campaigns under Deals are automatically installed, published and running.
Update Actual Close Date Campaign
Update Actual Close Date is a simple Campaign. When you update the Sales Stage field to Closed Won or you move a deal to Closed Won in card view, the actual close date field will update to today’s date.
To see the deals won in the last 7 days, use the Group "Deals Won - Last 7 Days".
Set Deal Size Color Field Campaign
When a Deal is created, this Campaign automatically updates the deal size color field. If the deal value is less than $1000 it’s small. Less than $10k, medium and larger than $10k, large. Customize the deal sizes by editing the conditions in the Campaign.
Time Since Last Activity Color Field Campaign
This Campaign helps you see which deal records haven’t had any activity recently. When a deal is updated, the recent activity color field is updated. As the deal record isn’t touched, this field will go from green, meaning it has been addressed recently, yellow for active in the last month, and red indicating more than a month of inactivity. You can even receive a task to notify you when a deal was dormant for 45 days and then becomes active.
Use the Active Deals Group to get a good idea of how this color field works in tandem with your Card View sales pipeline.
Calculate Weighted Value Campaign
If you consistently track deal value and probability of win percentages, you can get an idea of revenue forecasting using this Campaign. Anytime your expected win percentage and deal value fields are updated, this Campaign multiplies the expected win% by the Deal value and updates the Weighted Value field to the appropriate calculation. You can see weighted deal values totals at the top of each column in card view.
Update Expected Deal Timeframe Campaign
This Campaign updates a dropdown field called Expected Close Timeframe to the appropriate value based on the value in the expected close date field. It allows you to see which deals are closing soonest in Card View. Use the group called "Pipeline: Expected Close Dates".
Primary and Related Contacts in a Deal
A powerful feature of Deals is the ability to communicate with either the Primary or all the Related Contacts (to the Deal) via a Campaign. Learn more here.