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Frank Hagan


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    Integrating with eWAY


    Applies to: ONTRAPORT Plus and above.

    eWAY is a payment gateway that integrates easily with ONTRAPORT, allowing you to process payments if your business is located in Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore or the United Kingdom. This integration article uses the new eWAY RAPID API that is easier to configure.

    Currencies supported by eWAY and ONTRAPORT are:

    • Australian Dollar (AUD)

    • Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)
    • Great Britain Pound Sterling (GBP)

    • New Zealand Dollar (NZD)

    • Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

    • Singapore Dollar (SGD)

    After configuring your eWAY payment gateway remember to contact Support and have your ONTRAPORT account set to bill in your chosen currency.


    Obtaining the Integration Credentials from eWAY

    1. Log into your MYeWAY account.
    2. Click the My Account tab and API Key in the left hand menu.

      eWAY API Key and Password

    3. Copy the API Key and Password to a text file for use later in ONTRAPORT.

    Entering the Integration Credentials in ONTRAPORT

    1. In the Sales collection click Settings, then Gateways.

    2. Click the New Gateway button.

    3. Select eWAY Rapid from the drop down menu.

      eWAY Rapid
    4. Paste the API Key obtained from your MYeWAY account into the api_key field. Paste the Password for this API Key into the api_password field. (Note, this is not your MYeWAY account password; it is the password you copied from the API Key page in your account).
    5. Name the gateway. This name is used internally so you can identify this gateway, and is not shown to your customers. Then, click Save.
    6. Visit Administration > Data > Localization to select your currency setting in ONTRAPORT.

      administration data localization

      1. Select the currency from the drop down.

      2. Choose how you want the currency symbol to appear. Typical choices include the currency symbol and currency abbreviation, or just the currency symbol, before or after the value.

        choose currency format
      3. Select the number format in the last drop down box. Choices are to use the comma as the decimal separator, typical in Europe, or to use the period as the decimal separator.

        currency number format

    7. Verify that the gateway and currency setting work correctly. Process a live transaction on a valid credit card and verify the charge is reflected correctly in your payment gateway and bank.
    8. Note that the new currency symbol and currency code is used on all items and sales reports in ONTRAPORT, including historical sales made prior to the change. It is up to you to segregate sales prior to the change and reflect them properly in your books.


    Q: Which gateways are best for non-US currency?

    A. There are two main factors to consider. First, does the gateway serve companies in your country, and second, does the gateway offer the currency you want to use? Many gateways accept transactions in currencies from around the world but restrict use to companies located in certain countries. Verify that your company can use the gateway first.

    1. See all countries supports

    2. See All countries PayPal supports
    3. eWAY Rapid supports Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong

    4. See all countries PayPal Pro supports

    5. See all countries Stripe supports

    6. Contact Worldpay support to determine if your country is supported.

    Q: I want to sell in multiple currencies, can I do that with ONTRAPORT?

    A. Our system allows one currency only, with the exception of PayPal, that can be configured for USD or your chosen local currency. We recommend you use separate ONTRAPORT accounts for each currency. An alternative is to use UltraCart, a native integration with ONTRAPORT that does support multi-currency handling, with up to 12 different currencies accepted.


    Q. I changed my currency in ONTRAPORT last month, and now I have $3,278 in currency conversion charges. I want you to pay them.

    A. Your payment gateway should have been set to bill in the same currency or configured with a bank account that accepts that currency, as clearly indicated in our configuration articles and inside ONTRAPORT when you set the currency type. Your payment gateway received the payment in the funds you specified and your bank converted them. The responsibility for the currency conversion charges are between you, your payment gateway and your bank. ONTRAPORT will not reimburse you.


    Q. I just changed my currency in ONTRAPORT and immediately all of my orders are being refused! I am losing money by the second! Fix this!

    A. You have to set the payment gateway to accept the currency you select in ONTRAPORT. Your payment gateway is refusing the order form submissions because we are sending a different currency type than it expects. This is explained in all of our documentation and in ONTRAPORT on the currency selection page.


    Q. I changed my currency setting in ONTRAPORT a while back, and I just noticed you did not convert all of my sales history from USD into my new currency, yet you show those transactions with the new currency symbol. How am I supposed to know which sales were in USD and which are in my new currency?

    A. Our configuration documentation and a warning inside ONTRAPORT advises you that the currency symbol will change system wide, and that no currency conversion is attempted. You should have exported your sales history at the time of the currency change to make the adjustment to your books prior to the conversion change. Nothing in your history has changed, so you can still do this now. Export the sales history dated prior to the changeover and correct your books. If you need the date of the currency change in your account please contact Support.

    Q. Do I have to modify all of my existing order forms, including legacy Smart Forms with Order Forms on them? Some of those are installed using the raw "HTML Version for Geeks" option.

    A. All of your ONTRAPORT Order Forms will update to using the new currency symbol, including ones using the raw HTML Version code. This assumes you have not modified the code. The change will automatically propagate to legacy Smart Forms with products on them, ONTRAforms with order form blocks, and ONTRApages with order form blocks.

    Q. What if I add three separate eWAY gateways, one for AUD, one for NZD and one for GBP.  Can I use all three in ONTRAPORT?

    A. No, your ONTRAPORT account is set to one currency only. If your account is set to bill in AUD, we send that information to eWAY with every transaction. Even if you have a separate eWAY account linked to a bank that charges in another currency, you run the danger of having the transaction fail completely or incurring currency transaction fees as it converts the AUD to that currency.

    Q. eWAY is asking for your PCI compliance documentation. How do I get that?

    A. Contact Support for the latest copy of the PCI compliance documentation.


    Q. I can't figure out what the two fields are that you have listed as ewayCustomerID and ewayRefundPassword.

    A. Check out this Q&A.

    Other Resources

    Our Q&A forum is our peer-to-peer support site for quick answers to your most pressing questions 24 hours per day.

    ONTRAPORT Projects are in-app, step by step instructions you can use to easily accomplish killer tasks. Click the blue ONTRAPORT Projects button at the lower right of the screen to get started. Here are a few direct links related to payment processing for your next steps:


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