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Frank Hagan


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    Integrating with Fuzed Chrome Browser Extension

    Fuzed Chrome Extension Integration


    The Fuzed Chrome browser extension gives you the ability to create or update contacts in ONTRAPORT without being logged into ONTRAPORT. When viewing an email from a particular contact in Gmail, the integration prompts an autosearch of your ONTRAPORT account, displaying a current contact's information. Fuzed also includes the ability to search for a contact name from within a Chrome browser, independently of a Gmail or Google Apps account.



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    Configuring Fuzed

    1. Log into Fuzed and select Create new fuze or click the Settings icon. Make sure Google is Connected.

    2. Allow Fuzed to access your Google calender and mail

    3. In Fuzed, click the Dashboard link at the top right

    4. The Chrome extension will be added. Click to edit the Chrome extension

    5. Choose ONTRAPORT and copy the Connection Key to the clipboard for use later

    6. In a separate tab in Chrome, visit the Fuzed Extensione-link.png page in the Chrome webstore.

    7. Click to add the extension to Chrome

    8. After the extension installs click the Fuzed icon and paste the Connection Key into the field provided


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    Use Cases

    Adding / Updating Contacts within Webmail

    While viewing an email message click the Fuzed icon in Chrome. Fuzed connects to ONTRAPORT and retrieves the Contact record details. From this screen you can (A) Update the Contact Record Fields, (B) Add or Remove Tags and (C) Add or Remove Sequences.



    Adding / Updating Contacts Anywhere

    Fuzed also allows you to search your ONTRAPORT Contacts database from any location on the web. This can come in handy if you are on a client's LinkedIn profile and want to add information to their Contact record. Highlight the Contact's name and click the Fuzed icon and the search criteria is entered for you:


    Or, simply click the Fuzed icon and enter the search term you want to use. Fuzed displays the Contacts from ONTRAPORT matching your search result. Click on a Contact name to show the same options to edit the Contact details and add or remove Tags or Sequences.



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    Q. Can FuzedApp see my ONTRAPORT billing details with this integration?

    A. No, the Fuzed Integration uses our open API and can only view and edit your Contacts.

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