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Frank Hagan


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    Integrating with Summit Evergreen

    About Summit Evergreen

    Applies to: ONTRAPORT Plus and above.

    Summit Evergreen is an online course creator advertised as "the easiest way to create an amazing experience for your customers and build high-value online courses." Summit Evergreen features automatic drip content, lesson follow-up features and white label "Personal Branding" so your students see only your company's name and logo. Refer to their Features page for more information on their capabilities. The ONTRAPORT integration allows you to use ONTRAPORT Order Forms to sell your content and leverage the power of ONTRAPORT with Rules, Sequences, Tasks and email Messages tied to the course purchase.

    Obtaining the API Key and App ID

    How to Request an API Key

    1. In ONTRAPORT, click the profile icon at the top right.
    2. Navigate to Administration > Integrations > ONTRAPORT API Instructions and Key Manager

    3. Click the New API Key button
      1. If you receive the API Application form, fill it out and submit it.
      2. When your API application is approved return here and generate the key as shown in step 4 below.
      3. We need to ask these brief questions to help protect both you and each of our other existing customers from potential exploits that could hurt their marketing efforts. Approval takes one to two business days.
    4. When your API Key request has been granted, return and click the New API Key button again. Name the API Key. Select the Contact Owner and check off all Permissions for Summit Evergreen. Click Save.

    5. Copy the App ID and API Key to a text file for use in configuring Summit Evergreen


    Configure Summit Evergreen

    • Log into your Summit Evergreen account
    • In the left navigation menu select Settings and Account
    • In the Payment Processor section select ONTRAPORT from the drop down menu
    • Enter the API Key and APP ID from ONTRAPORT and click Save

    • After entering the APP ID and API Key, Summit Evergreen will display the Payment Notification URL and Refund Notification URL. Copy these to a text file for use later in ONTRAPORT


    Selling Summit Evergreen Products

    • Each Summit Evergreen Course requires a separate ONTRAPORT sales or opt in form built in ONTRAPORT. Create your course content in Summit Evergreen and note the Summit Evergreen SKU for that course. For existing content, find the SKU by following these steps:
      1. Select Manage Products from the upper left drop down menu
      2. Select the appropriate Course in the left hand pane
      3. Select Courses from the menu in the right pane
      4. Copy the Course SKU displayed (do not use the "Offer SKU")
    • Create a Product in ONTRAPORT for the Course. You do not have to use the SKU in the product name, but should name it so you can easily identify the matching Course.
    • Create the Order Form in ONTRAPORT. On the Settings tab:
      1. For Opt-In Settings select Single
      2. Paste your Summit Evergreen "Thank You" page URL into the Custom URL field. The Summit Evergreen Thank You page will be one of the following:
        • Your custom URL for the course with /checkout/thankyou/ appended to it

        • If you don't have a custom URL in Summit Evergreen, use the individual product URL:
          1. In Summit Evergreen, click Manage Products
          2. Select the product
          3. Click Settings in the right pane
          4. The URL is displayed. For a course named "Using ONTRAPORT" the URL may look like:

          5. Add /checkout/thankyou/ to the end of the URL
          6. The finished URL for the example above would look like this:

      3. In the CONDITIONAL RULES section click + Add Rule next to Rules: Successful Payment. Name the rule and under Then do this: select Ping a URL


      4. Paste the Payment Notfication URL into the URL field
      5. To create the Post Data you must edit the following data:

        api_key=API_KEY&app_id=APP_ID&sku=COURSE_SKU&email=[Email]&first_name=[First Name]&last_name=[Last Name]&customer_id=[Contact ID]&order_id=[Last Invoice #]&price=[Last Total Invoice Amount]

        Edit the data string:
        1. Replace API_KEY with the API Key created in ONTRAPORT
        2. Replace APP_ID with the APP ID created in ONTRAPORT
        3. Replace COURSE_SKU with the Course SKU from your Summit Evergreen course
      6. The finished Post Data might look like this:

        api_key=wdA1X2Jqsasw77sdf&app_id=2_2XX65_mXC0YRX76&sku=NOCO1000&email=[Email]&first_name=[First Name]&last_name=[Last Name]&customer_id=[Contact ID]&order_id=[Last Invoice #]&price=[Last Total Invoice Amount]
      7. Paste the Post Data into the Post Data box and click Save
      8. At the bottom of the Settings tab, check the box next to Pass CGI variables to the Landing/Thank you page

      9. Save the form

    Refunding Summit Evergreen Products

    If you refund a Course, you can use the Refund Notification URL obtained in the Configure Summit Evergreen section above to terminate access to the course content. ONTRAPORT can automate removing access using a global Rule:

    1. In the Contacts collection click Rules
    2. Click the New Rule button
    3. Use a descriptive name for the Rule such as "Refunded Using ONTRAPORT Course"
    4. Under When this happens: select Gets a refund on product and select your Summit Evergreen course
    5. In the Then do this: section, paste the Refund Notification URL obtained in the Configure Summit Evergreen section above into the URL box
    6. Create the Post Data by copying the following data to a text file:

      api_key=API_KEY&app_id=APP_ID&sku=COURSE_SKU&email=[Email]&first_name=[First Name]&last_name=[Last Name]&customer_id=[Contact ID]&order_id=[Last Invoice #]&price=[Last Total Invoice Amount]

    7. Edit the data string:
      1. Replace API_KEY with the API Key created in ONTRAPORT
      2. Replace APP_ID with the APP ID created in ONTRAPORT
      3. Replace COURSE_SKU with the Course SKU from your Summit Evergreen course
    8. The finished Post Data might look like this:

      api_key=wdA1X2Jqsasw77sdf&app_id=2_2XX65_mXC0YRX76&sku=NOCO1000&email=[Email]&first_name=[First Name]&last_name=[Last Name]&customer_id=[Contact ID]&order_id=[Last Invoice #]&price=[Last Total Invoice Amount]

    9. Save the Rule


    When you manually refund the product in ONTRAPORT this global Rule will automatically notify Summit Evergreen and remove access to the course


    Q. What if my student's card is declined mid-way through a subscription course?

    A. Pausing a student's subscription has to be done manually in Summit Evergreen. ONTRAPORT can notify you when the card fails:

    1. In the Sales collection click Settings
    2. Click Recharge Settings
    3. Under The First Time the Transaction Fails, Run These Rules click + Add Rule
    4. Use a descriptive name for the rule, such as "Using ONTRAPORT Course Payment Fails"
    5. In the If This is True: section select Transaction contains product and select your Summit Evergreen course
    6. Under Then Do This: select Notify someone with an email, set the email address to notify, and create a new message. Note that merge fields such as [First Name], [Last Name] and [Email] in the message will identify the student with the failed payment


    Q. Can I control the logo and branding on the course site?

    A. Yes, Summit Evergreen features fully customizable themes and "Personalized Branding". The Summit Evergreen name and logo does not have to appear in your course content

    Q. Where can I find out more about Summit Evergreen?

    A. Go to the Summit Evergreen Website

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