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Frank Hagan


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    Automate Actions After Legacy ONTRApages Upsell Form Submissions

    About Upsell Form Submissions

    Note: This article covers our legacy ONTRApages builder. For details on our newest Page builder, see this article.

    Applies to: ONTRAPORT Plus and above.

    Upsell Forms provide an easy way to increase your sales volume. An add-on or complementary product offered with just a "yes" or "no" button is a low-friction way to encourage additional sales. There are just a few configuration items for the form itself, and then it's time to add the Upsell Form results to your product fulfillment campaign.




    Navigate to Form Settings

    Click on the Upsell Form Block from the Palette or clicking Edit in the Upsell Form block from the Canvas. If the block has multiple elements (e.g. text, form), you may need to click once more on the Form element.

    Click on Form Settings.

    Set your Confirmation pages

    Choose the page (or ONTRAform) that the visitor will see after filling out the Upsell Form for each of the following scenarios:

    • Yes page: Thank you page seen when the contact clicks Yes to the Upsell offer.
    • No page: Shown when the contact clicks No to the Upsell offer.
    • Timeout / no credit card page: Shown when the contact takes too long to click either Yes or No, or when another failure occurs other than a credit card refusal (see Conditional Rules below).

    Click Save at the bottom of the form settings window when complete. Click Save on your ONTRAform.

    Upsell Confirmation Pages

    Create Campaign Map Goal or Trigger

    We recommend adding a Goal for your upsell product on your initial product delivery campaign. In some cases, you may want to create a separate Campaign for the upsell as well.

    Recommended: Create a Goal on Your Regular Sales Campaign

    1. Open your existing Campaign for the product delivery of the primary product in Edit Mode.
    2. Add a new Goal.
    3. Ensure the Goal is "Contact Submits a Form" and select the Upsell Form you created.
    4. Select 'yes' with a successful payment from the & Clicks drop down.

      Choose upsell form in Goal
    5. In the Settings,  set Who can achieve this Goal to Any Contact in account.

    6. Set If Contact is already on map then, then ... to Add here again when achieved. This allows you to have the contact who says yes to the upsell to appear both in the regular product fulfillment path on the map, and also on this upsell product's fulfillment path.
    7. Leave the checkbox unchecked next to This goal can only be activated once per contact to allow for future purchases.

      Upsell form goal settings
    8. Add elements by clicking "what happens next" to your campaign map to deliver your upsell product such as send an email, adding the contact to a fulfillment list, a rule to give access to a membership site or a task to call and welcome the new customer.
    9. Failed Card Management (optional): You may also wish to add another Goal for "Contact Submits a Form"and select "yes, but payment fails" and add actions to your campaign map to follow up with those contacts. While rare, card failures do happen and your customers tried to purchase the item.
    10. Clicked No to Upsell (optional): You can also add Triggers for "Contact Submits a Form" and select "no" to market to those customers who did not want your Upsell offer.

    Alternate Recommended Option: Create a Campaign Trigger for a New Campaign

    1. Create a new Campaign or open an existing one related to your ONTRAform.
    2. Add a new Trigger
    3. Ensure the Trigger is "Contact Submits a Form" and select the ONTRAform Upsell form you created.
    4. Select 'yes' with a successful payment in the & Clicks drop down.

      Upsell form - successful payment
    5. In the Settings section in the Palette, set Who can activate this trigger? to Any Contact in account

    6. Set the setting for If Contact is already on map then ... to Add here again when achieved. This allows the contact to be in more than one place on the map. They can be in the product fulfillment path for the original product they purchased and also in this upsell product fulfillment path.
    7. Leave the checkbox unchecked for Trigger can only be activated once per Contact to allow for future sales.

      Upsell Form Trigger Settings
    8. Add elements by clicking "what happens next" to your campaign map to deliver your product such as send an email, a rule to give access to a membership site or a task to call and welcome the new customer.
    9. Failed Card Management (optional): You may also wish to add another Trigger for "Contact Submits a Form"and select "yes, but payment fails" and add actions to your campaign map to communicate with these contacts. This is a rare condition but it does happen, and you will want to follow up to save the sale.
    10. Clicked No to Upsell (optional): You can also add Triggers for "Contact Submits a Form" and select "no" to market to those customers who did not want your Upsell offer.

    Not recommended, but possible: Add Campaign to Form Settings (Legacy)

    You can use the upsell form's Settings section to add the Contact to a Campaign, but this is less flexible and harder to troubleshoot later. We strongly recommend using either a new Campaign with a Trigger or Goal, or add a new Trigger or Goal to the primary product's Campaign Map.







    Other Resources

    ONTRApages Basics:

    Selling Products and Leveraging Upsell Opportunities

    Publishing Your ONTRApages

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